Shop Services

We can do almost any kind of machine work you could ever need done on your barrel.
Descriptions are below along with pictures as they become available.
Any work with a receiver involved can only be done on a walk-in appointment.
All prices are labor only. Please provide all necessary parts with your order.
If you do not see what you need listed below, just ask.
Please fill out a Services Order Form and include it with your parts and payment.

AK Services

Remove and Re-install barrel from receiver
All jobs where lathe turning the barrel is required will need the barrel to be removed from the receiver. Most jobs can be done with the rear sight and gas block left in place.
Remove and re-install barrel$55
Remove and re-install barrel and front sight$90
Remove and re-install barrel, front sight and gas block$110
Headspace virgin barrel to trunion$90
This service is to fit the barrel to the trunnion and then press the barrel in to the trunion to bring the barrel, stripped trunion and bolt into proper headspace, drill/ream for the customer's barrel pin, then press the barrel back out of the trunion so trunion can be riveted into a receiver.
Virgin Barrel Population$290
This service is to fit all barrel parts by honing if necessary and then press the virgin barrel into the stripped front trunion to proper headspace, then press the rear sight, gas block and front sight into proper alignment then cross-drill each item and install pins.
Fix Headspace$135
This service is to remove the existing barrel pin, press the barrel in or out of the receiver as needed to bring the barrel, trunion and bolt into proper headspace and finally drill/ream for an oversized barrel pin which is provided and installed.
Demill parts kit$130/hr
This service is to press out the barrel stubs from all the barrel hardware and remove all rivets from a front and rear trunion pair and a triggerguard to prepare them for riveting into a new sheetmetal receiver.
Knurl Barrel$30
This service is knurl the shank of an undersized barrel to increase the diameter so that it can be properly pressed into a trunion.
Receiver Population
These services includes fitting trunions into the receiver, all riveting and then final assembly and safety checks. This service requires the parts kits which have already been fully demilled and a have a fully populated barrel. This service is only available for walk-in customers who schedule a walk-in appointment and wait while the work is completed.
Fixed Stock Receiver$265
Folding Stock Receiver$330
Parkerize receiver & small parts$130/hr
This service is to blast and parkerize the receiver with installed truunions and triggerguard as well as the fire control pins and selector.
Parkerize complete AK$195& Up
This service is to blast and parkerize a complete parts kit as well as the receiver with installed truunions.

Saiga Conversion Services
These services are only available for walk-in customers who schedule an appointment and wait while the work is completed.
Rear End Conversion$135
This service is to disassemble the rifle to remove the existing fire controls and stock, remove all Saiga style parts and replace them with customer's conversion parts as well as all fitting required to install the new stock and pistol grip and then full assembly and safety/function check of the assembled rifle.
Bullet Guide Installation$70
This service is drill and tap the front trunion as necessary to install the customer provided bullet guide.
Triggerguard Swap$105
This service is demill the Saiga magazine catch from the receiver and then rivet an AK type trigerguard and selector stop to the receiver. This service requires a customer provided triggerguard, selector stop and rivets.
No-Press Front End Conversion$85
This service is to disassemble the existing handguards and install no-gunsmithing style handguard retainer and do all fitting necessary for proper re-assembly with the customer's conversion parts. This does not include removing the front sight or gas block.
Front Sight Swap$105
This service is to remove the existing front sight and install a new pin-on front sight base with the customer provided parts. This is the easiest way to get a muzzle device on a Saiga as it does not require removing the barrel from the receiver.
Front Sight and Gas Block Swap$135
This service is to remove the existing front sight and gas block and then install a new gas block and front sight base with the customer provided parts. This is most commonnly done to replace the gas block with a combination front sight and gas block unit or to replace commercial Saiga gas blocks with similar style military parts which will hold a cleaning rod. This service does not cover swapping from 90 degree gas blocks to an angled gas block as that also requires closing up the old gas port and drilling a new gas port.
Front End Conversion$160
This service is to disassemble the existing handguards, press off the front sight and gas block, cut the handguard retainer slot in the barrel to use a standard AK style handguard retainer and then install standard style handguard retainer and do all fitting necessary for proper re-assembly with the customer's conversion parts.
Gas Block conversion$190
This service is to remove the existing front sight and gas block, plug the existing 90 degree gas port, install a new gas block and drill a new angled gas port with the customer provided parts. This is the service required to install an AKM style 45 degree gas block on a Saiga which originally has a 90 degree gas block and gas port.
Front Sight Swap & threading$190
This service is to disassemble the existing handguards, remove the barrel from the receiver, remove the front sight from the barrel, thread barrel at existing length, re-install barrel and standard Saiga style handguards with the customer's new front sight.
Front End Conversion & threading$210
This service is to disassemble the existing handguards, press off the front sight, gas block and barrel, thread barrel at existing length, re-install barrel, cut the handguard retainer slot in the barrel to use a standard AK style handguard retainer and then install standard style handguard retainer and do all fitting necessary for proper re-assembly with the customer's conversion parts.
Front End Conversion, Shorten & thread$265
This service is to disassemble the existing handguards, press off the front sight, gas block and barrel, shrorten barrel, thread barrel at new length, re-install barrel, cut the handguard retainer slot in the barrel to use a standard AK style handguard retainer and then install standard style handguard retainer and do all fitting necessary for proper re-assembly with the customer's conversion parts.
Weld extra holes$135
This service is to weld closed the 6 extra holes in a Saiga receiver and dress the welds flush with the surrounding sheetmetal. Picture1 Picture2 Picture3 Picture4
Mill barrel notch for handguard retainer$55
This service is to mill the slot in the barrel for the handgaurd retainer. The barrel must be installed in a trunnion in order to locate the handgaurd retainer. Then the notch is cut and fitted so that the retainer is snug against the handguard when latched into place.
Mill side grooves for handguard retainer$105
This service is to mill the two side grooves in the barrel for the handgaurd retainer. The barrel must be installed in a trunnion in order to locate the handgaurd retainer. Then the grooves are cut and so that the retainer is square to the trunnion.

FAL Services
These services are only available for walk-in customers who schedule an appointment and wait while the work is completed.
Remove and Re-install barrel
All jobs where lathe turning the barrel is required will need the barrel to be removed from the receiver. Some jobs will require fully stripping the barrel while others can be done with the front sight base/gas block in place.
Remove and re-install barrel$85
Remove and re-install barrel and front sight$135
Headspace check barrelled receiver$105
This service is to strip down the bolt and gauge the barreled receiver for the proper size locking shoulder. If available, this service also includes pressing in the new locking shoulder after the proper size is determined.
Barrel Installation$200
This service is to index a barrel to fit a new receiver, torque the barrel into proper alignment and determine the correct locking shoulder size for correct headspace. This service is for building a new rifle while the remove and install services above are for existing complete rifles.

General Barrel Services

Crown Jobs
Many poor shooting barrels can be traced to problems with the crown. The crown needs to be absolutely perpendicular to the bore. When the bullet leaves the bore, gas is released at very high pressure all the way around the bullet's base. If the crown were uneven, gas would release on one side first and this tends to disturb the bullet just as it sent on it's way downrange. Obviously this will show up as poor accuracy. Try this inexpensive service before you abandon a barrel that seems to be poor shooting. I use a specially ground high relief angle tool that only gets used for crowns and it gets re-sharpened often. The tool is pulled straight out from the bore so that no burrs are created at the end of the bore. The bore-crown junction will be flat, with a radius about half way out on the crown face. This creates a slightly recessed crown job. The crown face will be left unfinished. Picture
Stripped Barrel Crown Job$55
Populated Barrel Crown Job$80

Shorten Barrel and Crown
This service includes shortening the barrel to any length you specify and re-cutting the crown. The muzzle face will be left unfinished.
Stripped Barrel Shorten and Crown$80
Populated Barrel Shorten and Crown$105

Barrel Threading
This is the most commonly requested service. The barrel gets mounted in the lathe with a live center in the muzzle. The muzzle gets turned down to the required size and then threads are cut with a single point tool. This ensures that the threads will be perfectly concentric and parallel to the bore. After the threads are done and deburred, a new crown is cut to eliminate the damage caused by the live center. Other shops would consider this a 'precision' threading job. I can cut any commonly used thread specification. The threaded area will be left unfinished. Picture
Stripped Barrel Threading$105
Populated Barrel Threading$135

Shorten Barrel and Thread Muzzle
This service includes shortening the barrel to any length you specify, barrel threading to any commonly used thread specification and then re-cutting the crown. Machined areas will be left unfinished.
Stripped Barrel Shorten & Thread$135
Populated Barrel Shorten & Thread$160
Compensator Indexing $40
The typical method to index a muzzle device to the barrel involves the use of peel washers or crush washers. Neither method leaves a nicely finished look. Select this option and I will index your muzzle device to your barrel barrel by facing off the rear of the muzzle device, or by facing off the barrel's shoulder if the barrel will already be in the lathe for other operations. You must include your muzzle device with the barrel in order to use this service.
Barrel Band Journal $55
This service is to turn a journal or band on your stripped barrel down to any diameter you specify. This is typically needed when you want to mount a smaller front sight base or gas block. Machined areas will be left unfinished.
Permanently Attach Muzzle Device
This service includes drilling through the installed muzzle device and into the barrel, installing a blind pin, welding over the end of the pin. This does not include barrel threading. This service is required to convert a barrel shorter than 16" into a legal 16"+ barrel length. Welds will be finished with oil to protect from rust. Picture
Steel or Stainless Steel perm attach job$70
Aluminum, Titanium, Inconel or Monel perm attach job$100

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Brands mentioned do not suggest any affiliation with the respective manufacturers. Check the laws in your state before ordering.
All local laws apply. We will not be held responsible for the misuse of the barrels that we manufacture.